RFID / GDPR Information.

Dear customers

As you might have read lately, various producers of goods sold by us /to public (i.e. gerry weber ) have proclaimed, that they will be using RFID chips to try to stop counterfeiting , parallelimports, and more, This means, that they, with the help of an RFID reader or maybe even with a simply app on a smartphone, will to be able to trace their products all the way from the place of production to the consumer.

At the moment we do not know exactly, if or how the producers are going to inform the public about their general use of RFID.

Neither are we not sure about what data will be stored on the RFID , or any of these new smartphones app's and platforms.

There is also non of us knowing when, where and exactly why the RFID will be read.

Because of this, we fear, that not only our trade secrets will be at stake, but also that our, YOUR and your customers data will be at risk , conflicting with GDPR rules.

Due to this, we would like to inform you about the fact, that we due to above reasons, will only be offering /selling RFID blinded goods in the very near future , whenever possible.

A product is still fully original, with a blinded RFID.

Thank you.

If you have any questions feel free to contact our legal department.